1. How can I obtain a Carry Concealed Weapon (CCW) permit?
If you have a clean background (NO convictions for a felony or any violent type misdemeanor), you need to fill out a CA CCW Application form. Contact your county sheriff's office or, if you are a resident of an incorporated city, your city police department for information on obtaining a CCW permit. They can answer your questions and provide you with a copy of their CCW permit policy statement and the CCW permit application. If you live within an incorporated city, you may apply to the police department or the county sheriff's office for a CCW permit. However, only residents of a city may apply to a city police department for a CCW permit. (Pen. Code, §§ 26150-26225.)
2. I live in another state and have a permit to carry a concealed handgun that was issued in my home state. Does my permit allow me to carry a concealed handgun while in California?
No. CCW licenses/permits issued in other states are not valid in California. (Pen. Code, §§ 25400-25700.)
3. Do I have to attend a course to get a California Permit?
Yes, you must attend a New CCW course. Most counties in CA mandate at least an 8-hour course. After you have obtained your Permit, you must attend a 4-hour CCW Permit renewal course every 2 years to keep your Permit active. Courses offered by GOLD COUNTRY FIREARMS meet and/or exceed the training requirements for Amador, Calaveras, El Dorado, Placer and Tuolumne County CCW applicants.
4. How long will it take to get the Permit?
It can take 3 months or longer from the time you turn in your application until your Permit is issued. There is a large backlog on the Federal level and in California due to the high demand for Permits.
5. Is the course fee refundable if I’m denied a CCW permit?
No, course fees are non-refundable if you fail to get a permit.
6. Is GOLD COUNTRY FIREARMS open during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Yes, Gold Country Firearms has remained open during this time. We are taking all the right precautions to keep everyone safe and we are limiting our capacity in each course to no more than 12 participants.
7. What has changed during the Covid-19 Pandemic at GOLD COUNTRY FIREARMS?
Two major changes are facial masks are required and Gold Country Firearms can no longer provide ear and eye protection as loaners.
8. What if I don’t have a computer to download the Course Registration form from the website or know how use a computer, can Gold Country Firearms do this for me?
NO, we recommend those who are not computer literate to find help from family members or friends. The uploading of the Registration Form tends to be the part where people have the most trouble. Mobile devices can be very usual for this part. Take an image of the form and email it to yourself. You will then save the attachment to your computer or iPad an open it from there. Complete the Registration Form, print it, and then mail it in.
9. How do I know if I am registered for a class? Will I get I reminder?
No, we recommend you write down your class date somewhere where it will be easy to remember, you will however, once your Course Registration has been received, receive an email confirming your seat has been reserved with some additional information, i.e. start time, what to bring, what not to bring, etc.
10. I missed my class, can I get refund?
YES and NO, due to demand, we require a $50.00 no-refundable deposit but will apply any remaining course tuition balance if paid in full at time of registration, to a future course. Our staff will be happy to reschedule you for the next available course. Email us at jd_gcf@yahoo.com or give us a call at (209) 223-0000.
11. Can I be added to a wait list in case anyone cancels?
There is no waiting list in place for our courses, you may however keep checking in with us for cancellations up to 3 days prior to desired course date.
12. Can I use someone else’s firearm if I don’t own a firearm to take an initial CCW Class?
You cannot use someone else’s gun unless you are both legally married. Married couples are the only ones who can use each other’s firearms on their CCW Permit.
13. Will Gold Country Firearms issue me my CCW Permit after the class?
NO, we only provide the state required training for you to apply for your permit. The state required training is 8 hours. The application process, background check and interview is handled by the agency in your county or city. You can determine your county or city by your address. The agencies will either be the Sheriff’s Office or Police Department in your area. Most have their application online or a paper application that you can typically download online or pick up from the agency. If you have more questions about this email us we can help you determine who you can apply with.
14. I just purchased a new firearm how do I get that added to my CCW Permit?
In order to get a new handgun added to your CCW permit, you must qualify with it. After you have qualified, you will receive a certificate with your new gun information. You will then submit that to the issuing agency to get your CCW permit modified. Doing a CCW add-on is by appointment only. The shooting qualification and certificate fee is $30.00 per handgun.
15. How many rounds is my shooting qualification?
Initial/first time and renewal applicants Course of Fire is 30 rounds per handgun.
16. How many yards is my shooting qualification?
Shooting distances are 11/2,3, 5, 7 then 10 or 15 yards depending on County of Residence requirements.
17. What if I fail the range qualification?
If you fail your shooting qualification test, instructors will typically recommend for you to get some practice time at a range. You will not need to retake the entire class or pay again, you just have make an appointment to return to complete your shooting test within 60 days of your class date.
18. Is there a written test I have to take?
Yes, there is a written test reviewing handgun safety and the law.
19. How old do I have to be to apply for my CCW permit?
You must be 21 years of age to apply for a CCW permit. You must also be 21 years of age to purchase a firearm.
20. Are courses co-ed?
Yes, more women than you’d think attend our courses and have their CCW permits, they just don’t brag about it.
21. Are private courses/lessons available?
Yes, by appointment only, fee for individual instruction is $50.00 per hour.
22. How long is my CCW Training Course Certificate good?
As of today, there is no uniform time limit set by any of the CCW issuing agencies of when a certificate expires. We recommend to anyone taking our courses for their initial CCW permit to apply for their permit within 6 months of their certificate being issued. Most agencies will not accept a renewal unless it is within 30 days from the expiration date. You can always take the class a few months early but do not submit your renewal until it is within the 30 day time frame.
Reminder, course sizes are limited to no more than 12 participants and fill up quickly with seating reserved in the order Course Registrations are received, so don’t delay getting Registration Forms mailed in.