Utah Non-Resident Concealed Carry Course.
Gold Country Firearms course is presented by NRA and Utah BCI certified instructors.
Concealed carry enthusiasts know that the Utah non-resident concealed firearm permit is the permit to have. If you travel for business or pleasure, now you can continue to maintain your personal safety in more states across the country. In order to obtain this important permit, a student must complete an approved course of instruction taught by a Utah state certified instructor.
This is a 4 hour class (classroom lecture only) and the cost of the class is $100.00 per student. The fee for the permit itself is $63.25, payable to Utah BCI.
Utah does not require any live fire or range qualification in order to obtain their permit. The Utah non-resident concealed firearm permit is the most widely accepted non-resident permit in the United States. This class follows the training outline mandated by the State of Utah, Bureau of Criminal Identification and covers many different aspects of firearm safety and ownership.
All applicants will be required to first have a permit from their home state if their home state has a process for issuing carry permits and has reciprocity/recognition with Utah. You do not need the home state permit before taking the Utah permit class with us, but you will need to have obtained your home state permit before mailing in your application to Utah. If you have a question about this, please call us for further explanation. Upon completion of the class, you will be submitting to Utah: Completed application signed by the instructor, fingerprints cards, Passport photos, copy of your driver’s license, along with the $63.25 fee payable to UTAH BCI.
· Airplane transport
· Avoiding confrontation (situational awareness)
· Basic firearm mechanics, operation, maintenance & cleaning
· Castle doctrine (defense of habitation)
· Concealed Carry Ammunition overview
· Concealed Carry Firearm storage & accessories overview (holsters, safes, etc)
· Concealed carry techniques
· Deadly force
· Duty to inform - Brandishing
· Escalation of Force
· Imminence and reasonableness
· Malfunctions
· Open carry vs. concealed carry
· Perceived threat reaction
· Physical, emotional, legal and financial ramifications
· Police encounters
· Self-defense
· Stand your ground vs. duty to retreat
· State and Federal law
· Suicide Prevention
· Utah Legal instruction including Justifiable Force, Citizen’s Arrest, Reciprocity, Firearm transport, etc
· Vehicle transport (local and interstate)
· And more
If you have been considering getting a Non-Resident Utah Concealed Carry Permit, now is the time to act. Currently the Utah CCW Permit is the MOST HONORED permit in all the nation, valid in 33 states and counting.